Dump your digital SLR and buy a camera you actually understand…

One week into my new blog and I’m already wandering into dangerous territory with this post. I’m sure plenty of readers will vehemently disagree with me, but I’m going to make the case for telling travelers to please stop carrying their digital SLR camera.

Here is why:

  1. Most owners have no clue how to use their camera. A professional photographer once sat down with me explaining how you can pick out amateur photographers from a crowd – they will still be using the stock lens or still walk around using the included camera strap. The worst offenders are the “photographers” who didn’t even take the time to remove the labels from their camera…
  2. It is no longer the only way to get good photos – ten years ago travelers could get away with the excuse that a digital slr would be the only possible way to get good photos. Then the world of photography changed, and your typical smartphone can now take better pictures than the cameras could back then. There are also some exceptionally good point and shoot cameras that can outshine many larger cameras – take for example the Sony RX100 range.
  3. It makes traveling no longer about the destination – how many times have you looked at one of the wonders of the world, and stood in amazement at all the people “enjoying” the sights through the viewfinder of their camera? Really, pretty much anywhere you go nowadays will have a decent amount of people who are too busy fiddling with their camera to truly enjoy their trip.
  4. It is a waste of space – this one doesn’t really need explaining, except to the people who are guilty of it. The amount of space needed for your typical digital slr with its extra batteries, second or third lens, charger and other accessories can all be used for something more important.

As always, there will be exceptions – I’ve met many real professional photographers or videographers who clearly know how to use a camera, and for most of their shots the digital SLR is often the only way they can capture the quality of picture or video they want. There are also photographers who carry a larger camera with a very specific lens that can’t be found in mirrorless or other smaller formats.

Still, my entirely non scientific opinion is that 75% of those wandering around with a digital slr do not need it, and should consider getting rid of it.





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